Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Re: [HamBrewers] Re: VU Based rig



The SDR2GO coould be considered as an add-on to the base SDR transceiver as its cost 9$80 international) is more or less same as the Ensemble RxTx itself. Per their website "This unit takes the place of the computer and uses an existing I/Q front-end such as a SoftRock RxTx, SoftRock Ensemble RxTx, UHFSDR, and others."

It would be best to have a single cabinet which would take only an SDR TxRx and later if required an add-on SDR2GO module. This way a ham who already has a computer can use that to check out the rig, make QSOs and then opt for the freedom that something like an SDR2GO could offer.

An outboard amplifier unit with switched BPFs could be the 3rd option to be added on in due course. SPace could also be provisioned in the main cabinet itself.

I have a couple of Ensemble kits, a HF RxTx and a 6m Rx - now to try and find time to build them :)

73 de Prasad VU2PTT

On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 10:46 PM, ravimiranda <> wrote:


Excellent idea. I have bought one Ensemble kit and am halfway through the process. I am following the process of building each stage and testing it as I go along.

Will post the results here once they are ready. Agree with your view on multibanding /switched.

There have been discussions that we should find a way to try the SDR2GO as another model to avoid the use of the PC.

What are your thoughts on a stand-alone SDR?

I am also in favour of avoiding too much FOREX outflow :-) The Dollar is much more dearer. Components should be easily sourced in VU land/Eastern world?
Toroids etc we can see alternatives.

Will keep posting once a direction is established.

Kind regards

Ravi Miranda

Believe each human being has the potential to change, to transform one's own attitude, no matter how difficult the situation." - Dalai Lama

--- In, Prasad VU2PTT <vu2ptt@...> wrote:
> Folks:
> While I am completely swamped for time, please do have a good look at
> KB9YIG's proven SoftRock RXTX Ensemble Transceiver Kit documentation while
> evaluating currently available kits.
> The description from the website - "The SoftRock RXTX Ensemble Transceiver
> Kit provides a 1 watt SDR transceiver that can be built for one of the
> following four band groups: 160m, 80m/40m, 30m/20m/17m or 15m/12m/10m.
> Components are included for all four options and can be assembled at the
> builders choice. The kit combines the functionality of the prior SoftRock
> v6.3 RXTX+Xtall Transceiver Kit, the USB I2C Interface Kit and the PA
> Filter Kit on a single circuit board with connectors along one edge for
> easy access."
> This could be a good base for less than Rs. 5,000 if we get
> the components as a kit from there - but it may be much cheaper if kitting
> is done here. A great step up would be if all bands could be provided using
> the same base design with some filter switching.
> Good luck and 73 de Prasad VU2PTT
> On Wed, May 30, 2012 at 12:51 AM, ravimiranda <ravimiranda@...> wrote:
> > **

> >
> >
> > Hello
> >
> > We have 5 members on the team of building a VU based SDR on the lines of
> > those available in DX land.
> >
> > Would some others like to join and support the effort? This will be open
> > community
> >
> > 73
> >
> > Ravi
> >
> >
> >
> --
> 73 de Prasad VU2PTT, W2PTT (ex-AF6DV)
> ARRL DXCC Card Checker, MARC
> Contest Manager - ARSI
> Coordinator - VU Contest Group
> Webmaster - Logger32


73 de Prasad VU2PTT, W2PTT (ex-AF6DV)

ARRL DXCC Card Checker, MARC
Contest Manager - ARSI
Coordinator - VU Contest Group
Webmaster - Logger32

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