Tuesday, September 13, 2011



Aravind’s car is often parked with valuables (ham radio stuff) insideHI…….. HI

I prefer to jut break the windows and get in rather than mess around with remotes….:-)




From: HamBrewers@yahoogroups.com [mailto:HamBrewers@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Aravind Balasubramanian (VU2ABS)
Sent: Tuesday, September 13, 2011 6:59 PM
To: HamBrewers@yahoogroups.com
Cc: Raj



Thanks Raj.

My Xylo Keyfob transmits something @ 433.903 Mhz. All I hear is a didodidodido audio signal for each key press for Open, Lock and Locate keys. Will feed the same to the computer and see what signal is being sent. Should be fun to see what happens if I record and retransmit the same.

BTW I listened to it on my FT 857 - AM.


On 9/13/2011 6:03 PM, Raj wrote:



These remote keys dont work on RFID frequencies but 433 MHz.

My Honda City has some RFID system in the key. They told me that it wont start with a mechanical duplicate key. I did make a duplicate and ground off the plastic so that I can keep in my wallet for an emergency. Trust me I have locked myself out many times!

Even if "they" opened the car they would not be able to start the car.. so dont leave valuables inside. I must also look for a care safe as I drive up and down to my coffee estate every week and stop for coffee or breakfast along the way.

73 Raj

>This is exactly what I am scared of. I dont want anyone walking away with stuff inside the car. Sometimes I leave the car parked outside on the road when I am lazy.
>Moreover your link says its partially TRUE !!! which is more worrying.
>I tried listening in to my keyfob's transmission on 135 Khz, 13.6Mhz. Nothing heard.
>Perhaps its using some UHF freq. Used it near a HH frequency counter to sniff. But some other strong EMI signal ( from the computer / UPS iguess) in 1 - 5 mhz was being displayed. Have to try it in a quiet place. I have not bothered probing deeper into it as XYL has banned any hacking into the car. First thing she said when we booked the Xylo " Now Listen. I dont want you to hack into the car. No wires criss crossing here and there, no probing / reverse engineering whatsoever" ;-)
>Now I can show this mail and start some hacking under this pretext ;-)
>Wayback in 2003 I did some work on RFID, working @ 135 Khz and 13.6 Mhz. At that timeVHF\UHF RFID use was not approved in India by WPC. I did some RFID protocol work as TI gave some Libraries. We didnot work on Automotive RFID segment and that segments software required signing NDA's as it had some propriety encryption/decryption code.
>On 9/13/2011 4:52 PM, Raj wrote:
>>I am a life member of AASI for almost 40 years, I wrote to the secretary including the
>>snopes link! I hope in the future they dont circulate such messages!
>>OTOH, I wonder how the duplicate key makers do it. My son "beep beep" key dismantled
>>itself and failed. He went to a shop and they made a mech copy fist and the "chap" went
>>inside and did something to it where it worked without a hitch! So how do they program
>>it I wonder..
>>73 Raj


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