Thursday, December 15, 2011

[HamBrewers] Re: Hex beam antenna - Homebrew one.


Hi Pramod,

The colored line diagram you referred to are taken from the DX engineering link given in the pdf. The other links mentioned in the pdf will give further insight to homebrewing the antenna.

The document was prepared in a hurry since they were alot of queries coming in from delegates during the recent hamfest.We just did our best to share whatever we knew.

As far as I know, fiber glass pipes may be available here and there but the quality of the pipes available from The cycle city of Punjab are superb. I give all credit to OM Ashok - vu2ash for building the antenna and Sarath - vu3rsb for publishing about the antenna, in one of his ham mags.

Yeah the check posts in Kerala are a real problem, but considering the phenomenal illegal cross border trade in homebrewed spirit,booze and sandal wood, I guess the inspections and delays will never end.

By the way, Bill Clinton has better things to do with Monica lewinsky than becoming the chief minister of kerala-fornia. HI !

best 73's

--- In, Pramod <vu2ttp@...> wrote:
> At last, the dearth for genuine homebrew construction ideas / projects seem
> to have ended with this hex beam article. Well done prabha and rajesh, I
> only wish you had uploaded the original pdf instead of the scanned pdf as
> it would have made the colored lines explain the reflector parts easily.
> As far as fiber glass rod is concerned, I remember poru (vu2ggm) talking
> about a manufacturer in Bangalore. Also, vu2iix had procured the fiber
> glass rods from Bombay through a Bangalore based distributor for his hex
> beam project.
> Even if Bill Clinton becomes the chief minister of Kerala, the check post
> problems wont go away, may god help the hams in god's own country.
> 73s
> pramod

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