Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Re: [HamBrewers] VXO: Pierce or Colpitts?


Todd, From lack of experimental / theoretical knowledge on the subject, "pulling above" - I took the safer bet!

To pull one needs to change the load capacitance, the oscillator should not make a difference theoretically as the maximum pull will not be dependant on the type of oscillator but the xtal IMHO. I have read something about this in the 70's but cant remember what!

In practice it can be a whole lot different, oscillators have a mind of their own!

Thanks, Raj. Can you explain your choice of "untrue" a bit?

On Mon, Dec 26, 2011 at 11:55 PM, Raj <vu2zap@gmail.com> wrote:

I would vote for (c) without practical experimentation at my end.

>Rumor has it that a crystal can be pulled ("rubbered") further in a Pierce arrangement better than in a Colpitts, especially pulling above xtal frequency. This is:
>(a) True.
>(b) Partly true.
>(c) Untrue.
>(d) None of the above.
>What do you all think?

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