HI Prabhu, When and where was this ? Paddy vu2pep --- On Wed, 6/1/11, Dev Ramaprabhu <vu2dev@yahoo.com> wrote:
Collection Ham radio Homebrew discussions,useful tips,instructions,circuits,projects etc
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Re: [HamBrewers] RE: Ham brewers are you there?
Re: [HamBrewers] 144 - 146 Mhz (2M) Rx thoughts
QSL Raj on the kiss mode. I does make sense to have a VHF rx for 3-400 ohms. Bulk order of crystals. You could interest a lot of budding hams, who are on the waiting mode. 73,s Paddy vu2pep --- On Wed, 6/1/11, Raj <vu2zap@gmail.com> wrote:
Re: [HamBrewers] RE: Ham brewers are you there?
From: padmanabhan cattamanchi <PEPINDIA@yahoo.com>
To: HamBrewers@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tue, May 31, 2011 10:05:08 PM
Subject: Re: [HamBrewers] RE: Ham brewers are you there?
Well Ganesan, with the advent of cheap Chinese handies available in the 2-3 k bracket, is it worth making a 2 m receiver, which will cost 2k+? A hf rx for 40 or 20m or a cheap DSB trx for 40m will bring in interested home-brewers. 73,s Paddy vu2pep --- On Tue, 5/31/11, kumar gautam <fromgautam@yahoo.co.in> wrote:
Re: [HamBrewers] 144 - 146 Mhz (2M) Rx thoughts [2 Attachments]
Some data sheets attached.
At 01-06-2011, you wrote:
Hi! Raj,
MC13135 and its earlier variant MC3362 is still available at Delhi if anyone interested. Lately I stopped going in for complete discreet ones cause found it easier modify surplus items, but that barely scrathes the itch of a totaly homebrewed project.
Rahul VU3WJM
--- On Wed, 1/6/11, Raj <vu2zap@gmail.com> wrote:
- From: Raj <vu2zap@gmail.com>
- Subject: [HamBrewers] 144 - 146 Mhz (2M) Rx thoughts
- To: HamBrewers@yahoogroups.com
- Date: Wednesday, 1 June, 2011, 9:08 AM
- For two meters I would suggest the obvious "kiss" mode.
- I will leave out the PLL/DDS part out of discussion for now. We have others who can suggest.
- One chip of the series MC3357, 3359 and so forth.. will do the major task of conversion, limiting & detection! These devices are designed for cordless phones and are for NBFM.
- Some thoughts:
- You have the front end built in the later chips. Others require the first mixer e.g. 3357
- Some chips require a discriminator coil/cap and others resonator.
- 10.7 or 21.4 Mhz & first IF 455 second IF (first IF depends on your junk box xtals)
- Audio stage:
- No more LM386 please. It took many years to get out of the clutches of LM380!
- Now I suggest the TDA2822 stereo amp in push pull mode. I found this chip very
- stable and took a lot of abuse. I got a great sound in my RX project. Cheap!
- Hi,
- I am also interested in this project.
- I am also requesting VU2ZAP to give his thought in this regard.
- with 73's
- de VU2GAQ
- Kumar Gautam
- Ex- VU3KGL
- --
- Raj, VU2ZAP
- Bangalore, India.
Bangalore, India.
Attachment(s) from Raj
2 of 2 File(s)
Re: [HamBrewers] 144 - 146 Mhz (2M) Rx thoughts
Hi! Raj, MC13135 and its earlier variant MC3362 is still available at Delhi if anyone interested. Lately I stopped going in for complete discreet ones cause found it easier modify surplus items, but that barely scrathes the itch of a totaly homebrewed project. 73's Rahul VU3WJM --- On Wed, 1/6/11, Raj <vu2zap@gmail.com> wrote:
[HamBrewers] 144 - 146 Mhz (2M) Rx thoughts
For two meters I would suggest the obvious "kiss" mode.
I will leave out the PLL/DDS part out of discussion for now. We have others who can suggest.
One chip of the series MC3357, 3359 and so forth.. will do the major task of conversion, limiting & detection! These devices are designed for cordless phones and are for NBFM.
Some thoughts:
You have the front end built in the later chips. Others require the first mixer e.g. 3357
Some chips require a discriminator coil/cap and others resonator.
10.7 or 21.4 Mhz & first IF 455 second IF (first IF depends on your junk box xtals)
Audio stage:
No more LM386 please. It took many years to get out of the clutches of LM380!
Now I suggest the TDA2822 stereo amp in push pull mode. I found this chip very
stable and took a lot of abuse. I got a great sound in my RX project. Cheap!
I am also interested in this project.
I am also requesting VU2ZAP to give his thought in this regard.
with 73's
Kumar Gautam
Bangalore, India.
RE: [HamBrewers] RE: Ham brewers are you there?
Dear Paddy,
thank you for the reply,
yes you are right
first we will start do this 2Meter receiver and then we can do a 40/20Meter RX one bye one.
we have lot of time and lot of projects.
Whoever intrested in the first project can do them, others can contribute on to the next project.
the target design of this project will be less than 2K (Iam not sure abt exact cost till final working board is made)
To: HamBrewers@yahoogroups.com
From: PEPINDIA@yahoo.com
Date: Tue, 31 May 2011 09:35:08 -0700
Subject: Re: [HamBrewers] RE: Ham brewers are you there?
Well Ganesan, with the advent of cheap Chinese handies available in the 2-3 k bracket, is it worth making a 2 m receiver, which will cost 2k+? A hf rx for 40 or 20m or a cheap DSB trx for 40m will bring in interested home-brewers. 73,s Paddy vu2pep --- On Tue, 5/31/11, kumar gautam <fromgautam@yahoo.co.in> wrote:
Re: [HamBrewers] RE: Ham brewers are you there?
Well Ganesan, with the advent of cheap Chinese handies available in the 2-3 k bracket, is it worth making a 2 m receiver, which will cost 2k+? A hf rx for 40 or 20m or a cheap DSB trx for 40m will bring in interested home-brewers. 73,s Paddy vu2pep --- On Tue, 5/31/11, kumar gautam <fromgautam@yahoo.co.in> wrote:
Re: [HamBrewers] RE: Ham brewers are you there?
Hi, I am also interested in this project. I am also requesting VU2ZAP to give his thought in this regard. with 73's de VU2GAQ Kumar Gautam Ex- VU3KGL --- On Tue, 31/5/11, Namachivayam Ganesan <ganesan4u@hotmail.com> wrote:
[HamBrewers] RE: Ham brewers are you there?
Dear friends and OM,
i had seen this group inactive for couple of months.
as interest regarding Ham brewers gone down???????
are everybody busy???????
I wish to make this group a active one ,share the knowledge,do projects as DIY.
Specifications of the proposed receiver are:
- Mosfet based front end LNA
- 144-146 MHz tuning range
- LCD display of frequency and signal strength
- Rotary encoder for tuning
- Selectable tuning step size (5, 10, 100 kHz and 1 MHz)
- PLL synthesized tuning
- Full microcontroller controlled band scanning capability
- Dual conversion superhetrodyne (10.7 MHz and 455 kHz) with Crystal and Ceramic IF filtering
- Squelch function
- Volume control and audio amplifier / speaker built in.
Friday, May 20, 2011
[HamBrewers] VX-6R for Sale
Dear Friends,
I am planning to sell my VX-6R.
I have been using it for more than a year.
Since, I got a VX-7R recently, i find no meaning in keeping two handies.
Price: Rs:11,000/-
Original box and other standard accessories will be given along with the handy.
If someone is interested please contact directly to my personal e-mail or via telephone.
E-mail: allen_marian2005@...
Tel: +91-94473 19727
Please dont use the group for enquiries. Direct enquiry via e-mail is very much appreciated.
VU3AUZ, Allen Antony
Tel:+91-94473 19727
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Re: [HamBrewers] 73 watts okay but.........
Dev, Check with Element14.com also , Iam not sure if you remember, we dicussed this topic around 12yrs back ! 73 VU2GHB Hari --- On Thu, 5/19/11, Dev Ramaprabhu <vu2dev@yahoo.com> wrote: