Wednesday, May 11, 2011

RE: [HamBrewers] 73 watts okay but.........


Hari (vu2ghb),


I recall, long time back you combined the IRF610 pushpull amp pairs to get 100+ watts using a  broadband  HF combiner design provided in the Motorola App note.

I do not recollect seeing any  capacitors being used in that design with the exception of the equalization resistors.




From: [] On Behalf Of Dev Ramaprabhu
Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2011 4:03 PM
Subject: [HamBrewers] 73 watts okay but.........




Dear All,


 As you might have seen the pics in the previous mail we have managed to combine two PAs and get almost 100watts but.......


 100 watts on dummy load is 100volts peak and alas all our Capacitors are rated for 100Volts only so obviously we got to run at 73watts or below for safety!( on real ANTENNAS, not NOT DUMMYS)



 Now, dear all could you suggest some vendors/ shops/ types for Capacitors which would work let us say at 200 volts or more so that we could run a lil more output; somewhat like 400w d.c.input (I am afraid that's all we are allowed to run in our beloved India shining!) And just for info I am using a Wilkinson Combiner to get more output ( and run those Mosfets very Cool!!!!!) We would need the following values:








 Of course any one wants I could send the full schematic etc and the photo ( I Can't send as I need some youngster to convert from Camera to PC, hi hi hi hi)


 All the best and Do run full Legal limit!


 ( Not exactly anti-QRP but pls do experiment)


 dev, vnk, pwt

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