Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Re: [HamBrewers] Fwd: [rfamplifiers] My Personal Computer is now an RF Amplifier


Am doing the same here. I have these really solid 486 HCL Busybee cabs with Acer P-II cabs I bought from an auction (around 55 of them) and am homebrewing lots of goodie. Stuffed the BITX in a couple of them.


--- On Wed, 10/5/11, Aravind Balasubramanian <vu2abs@gmail.com> wrote:

From: Aravind Balasubramanian <vu2abs@gmail.com>
Subject: [HamBrewers] Fwd: [rfamplifiers] My Personal Computer is now an RF Amplifier
To: HamBrewers@yahoogroups.com
Date: Wednesday, October 5, 2011, 3:29 AM


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: skipp025 <skipp025@yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 11:29 PM
Subject: [rfamplifiers] My Personal Computer is now an RF Amplifier
To: rfamplifiers@yahoogroups.com


Re: My Personal Computer is now an RF Amplifier

Hello to the Group,

Some years back I build a High Voltage Power Supply into
a surplus PC (personal computer) cabinet. I'm surprised we
haven't seen more people using recycled PC cabinets for
various home-brew projects. Pictures of that power supply
might still be in the group photos section.

I've also used smaller PC power supply boxes for tube
amplifier base chassis metal stock.

Well... you've got to see and appreciate the pictures in
the following Ebay Auction:

Ebay Auction Item Number: 110751375106

" HF SSB Linear Amplifier 800 W Continuous tuning from
75 to 15 Meters. Ham Radio"

It's an entire amplifier in a PC tower cabinet...


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