Monday, January 9, 2012

[HamBrewers] Counterfeit Prolific chipset on


Hello Nitin

Your absoultly correct, however, I have always had a much better experience with the FTDI chipset for use in ham radio applications.  Although, the counterfeit Prolific episode has, put me right off taking any more chances with this chipset again, especially on eBay.  My reason for buying it, was that it was dirt cheap on eBay also, purchasing this way was extremely convienient for my needs.  The FTDI based USB CAT cable was purchased from zlpelectronics, this company was run and owned by a amateur so was a much more expensive option.

Apparently, there are fake Mitsubishi transistors for sale on eBay too.  But, again, I try to source these components now, from another amateur, who actually tests these devices before they are shipped.  It just goes to show, how careful we need to be these days when buying these components, otherwise, our time may be wasted by trying to trouble-shoot our projects and, then,  re-ordering!

Regards & 73
Stacy Williams

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