I wanted to have a signal generator to test my rig for its freqency response, so started with the 8038 and it went on for some time !!! Then came to know about white nosie generation by Audacity, WOW its so simple installed it in minutes and with click of few buttons a flat nosie from 0-24khz is ready.You can save the file in any format you wish. Now to play this in my shack ?? options i had was to use my daughters portable DVD player or buy a small MP3 player.Instead i went for an old CD rom drive that i had in my shack, brought a "Y" connector and then cut one of that and a 7805 ( with heatsink and two 1uf caps) for 5V and then 13.8 brought down by adding two diodes in series. I burned the first CD as a data CD and it did not work ! i just forgot that Bill is not there ! Burned the next CD using media player as a AudioCD and its working ! The best part is audacity can generate any tone you need , i even made a two tone file. 73 Hari VU2GHB |
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