Hi Aravind,
Part of your email below seems very garbled and bits from other groups!
I have been following ARRLs challenges and some interesting designs have turned up.
I have always been intrigued by the simplest ONE TRANSISTOR/FET transceiver ! Yes, it has been done
One design on the net mounts almost everything on a TX-RX switch. The device is switched completely between TX and RX and ends up as a REGEN and CW transmitter.
In late 60s vu2rvb (one of the first 3 letter calls) and I built a super regen using an AF115 Germanium RF transistor. We then forced it to oscillate during TX and got out about 5 mW. Now for reference I have worked W3LPL on 10M with 1mW !
Here it is!
At 02-06-2011, you wrote:
(Medium Complexity Level) See the highlighted (in bold) section in the below mail which contains a challenging project with a unique constraint.
I have read about homebrewing contest conducted by ARRL on similar lines which was published in one of the recent QST's
(Low Complexity Level) A crystal radio is also an interesting challenge. Infact, Vittal, vu2vit wanted a crystal radio homebrewing contest to be conducted which can be evaluated during the Mahabalipuram meet. We plan to have one during next years
(High Complexity Level) : Try a HF General Coverage SDR RX. A followup project can be a VHF / UHF downconverter. Tonnes of designs/kits available and perhaps one of the hottest and most interesting development areas. I am trying to split it into multiple projects which BE ECE IITM guys can takeup as their final year projects.
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