Monday, June 6, 2011

Re: [HamBrewers] CD ROM drive noise generator !


Great idea Hari.

At 06-06-2011, you wrote:
>I wanted to have a signal generator to test my rig for its freqency response, so started with the 8038 and it went on for some time !!!
>Then came to know about white nosie generation by Audacity, WOW its so simple installed it in minutes and with click of few buttons a flat nosie from 0-24khz is ready.You can save the file in any format you wish.
>Now to play this in my shack ?? options i had was to use my daughters portable DVD player or buy a small MP3 player.Instead i went for an old CD rom drive that i had in my shack, brought a "Y" connector and then cut one of that and a 7805 ( with heatsink and two 1uf caps) for 5V and then 13.8 brought down by adding two diodes in series.
>I burned the first CD as a data CD and it did not work ! i just forgot that Bill is not there ! Burned the next CD using media player as a AudioCD and its working !
>The best part is audacity can generate any tone you need , i even made a two tone file.

Bangalore, India.

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